In advance of the astrological date of December 12th, 2012 (12/12/12) I was looking for a gallery space in Vancouver for a week or two to launch my artwork. In an unexpected twist my two week request turned into a commercial gallery space for two years. It was a huge lesson in thinking bigger.
It was both a gallery and studio space where I planned to created daily but quickly learned that there was different plans for me. I joked that my front door spun like a tornado and within no time I collected a group of regulars, who visited with coffee and sandwiches and said they loved sitting inside a place that was different from the world they were use to.
At the same time the tornado brought in women holding grocery bags who stood before me confused, wide eyed and asking, “What is this place? Where am I?”
Fortunately, I am a patient listener and when new experiences begin I tend to observe instead of manipulating the situation. I also learned during this process that I am a person that many feel comfortable confiding in. More than anything, I wanted to paint in silence but I was grateful that so many people were walking through the door that they became my creative focus instead.
‘The women’ collectively were very different and also very much the same. They were united in sharing stories about not being creative, loosing their creativity or knowing it was squashed because someone influential in their lives believed in something else. They were stories of being sad, incomplete and wishing they could regain their creativity.
After a few weeks of carefully listening, I decided that I heard enough of the similarities to begin a conversation regarding creativity when the next person arrived.