In advance of the astrological date of December 12th, 2012 (12/12/12) I was looking for a gallery space in Vancouver for a week or two to launch my artwork. In an unexpected twist my two week request turned into a commercial gallery space for two years. It was a huge lesson in thinking bigger.

It was both a gallery and studio space where I planned to created daily but quickly learned that there was different plans for me. I joked that my front door spun like a tornado and within no time I collected a group of regulars, who visited with coffee and sandwiches and said they loved sitting inside a  place that was different from the world they were use to.

At the same time the tornado brought in women holding grocery bags who stood before me confused, wide eyed and asking, “What is this place? Where am I?”

Fortunately, I am a patient listener and when new experiences begin I tend to observe instead of manipulating the situation. I also learned during this process that I am a person that many feel comfortable confiding in. More than anything, I wanted to paint in silence but I was grateful that so many people were walking through the door that they became my creative focus instead.

‘The women’ collectively were very different and also very much the same. They were united in sharing stories about not being creative, loosing their creativity or knowing it was squashed  because someone influential in their lives believed in something else. They were stories of being sad, incomplete and wishing they could regain their creativity.

After a few weeks of carefully listening, I decided that I heard enough of the similarities to begin a conversation regarding creativity when the next person arrived.

The next day the gallery door opened. We had not  met previously and she offered a similar story to the other women about her life.  While continuing to listen I interjected thoughts for her to consider. She said the magic words, “I’m not creative, I could never make this.”  I asked, “What is creativity?” She pointed to one of my paintings and said, “This.” I responded, “What you see is not exactly creativity, you are looking at my style.” I could see that I lost her. I asked, “Do you like to cook? (she had a bag full of groceries)” Her eyes opened, “YES!” Do you like to garden? “YES!” What else do you like to do? She listed many other hobbies. I waited and agreed that all of them require creativity. I reminded her, “YOU ARE CREATIVE,” “and I feel maybe your definition of what creativity is, might be slightly off.” Now, I had her attention. I pointed to my paintings. The process of painting is just like cooking. It is an act of creation. Spices and paint are the same… they are ingredients. What we love to do is the same… I arrange paint and you arrange flavors.
We each have a style and our styles are going to be different and will change over time. Regarding creativity, you are never separate from it… it is impossible to not be creative. She left smiling.

The days that followed I continued to test my observation and share my thoughts with all that came through the tornado. 

It was a powerful lesson for me because I grew up expressing creativity in so many ways that I developed, skills and a style in many areas. In contrast, I had not considered the possibility of being stranded from creativity and the implications. In response to my new awareness I created a short list of what I feel the art of creativity is.

Before I dive into my points below, I feel there has been a glitch in our ‘language program’ and teaching individuals the words ‘NOT’ creative (which is impossible and fake news) is designed to slow evolution. Remember, words are a vibration, a form of magic spell and saying something you are not over and over is the fastest way to make it true. (SENDING BIGLOVE)

Click to listed to the AUDIO.CAST sharing my story of THE ART OF CREATIVITY. Enjoy & Share if you are inspired to do so.


Freedom of choice IS the creative power of your life. When you accept this simple truth you will realize that about every 5 seconds you are creating a thought or action about what to do next. Each choice weaves together with the next to create the creative expression of your life experience. If you are happy and uplifted it can be traced back to a string of thoughts and choices that express the same. If you are heavy hearted or fearful and make a choice from that state you will create an experience that extends the same heavy experience even longer. Both are an act of creation.


As creators all of our thoughts and beliefs decorate our lives. Creativity is a daily responsibility to activate your self awareness in your choices – diligently- to produce in tangible ways the life and experience you desire and create the opportunity to enjoy.

Question: “How can this be true when random events happen all the time? The answer is related to how random or distracted your thoughts are. Ask yourself how easy is it for you to focus on one idea for 5 min… and then test it. When you are distracted and your thoughts jump from topic to topic you create an energy field that is  erratic which creates an erratic experience.


Often when something wise, poetic, or beautiful is created our nature is to covet and convert the creativity into a commodity. Then the commodity is judged. Creativity is not open for judgement.

The definition of creativity has been misunderstood and like a corrupt computer program it has eliminated the simplicity of how creativity is natural and as effortless as breathing. Used coherently positive creativity, is the most powerful tool we have to make change in our lives and create love and unity. Used coherently negative creativity, is the most powerful tool we have to destroy our lives and create fear and separation.


Creativity is the ability to see uniqueness in all.


Creativity is the state of allowing magnificence to emerge. Allowing oneself to be the point, vessel or person from which creativity flows through.


Creativity is not owned. Creativity is an agreement to be delicate with the natural forces of the universe while creating from it.



Creativity is a power one agrees to use to elevate understanding, share innovation and to communicate often without words. Creativity is the basic nature of ALL that lives.


When something creative is birthed into existence through a person, what holds the creativity in place/motion/animation/ is the intention that was also created at the same time. Creative intention operates inside of creativity and all aspects are active until no longer necessary.


A common statement and a valuable one too. To state the intention that you are not creative, your basic state, means that you have created and area in your life where you are testing the laws by creating the opposite. Choosing to not be creative is still an act of creation, and not a fun one.


Art is made through the act of creativity as much as solving a problem, designing a robot, songwriting, science or deciding what to wear.

Being ‘artistic’ is a style of creativity. Artists create an aesthetic to match the intention of the creation.

Imagination is fuel. The imagination is the picturing part of creation. In order for a creation to be born it must first be visualized and then made into physical form. I like to say that the hands pull the imagination through the body and the artist will add color, texture or style to the creation. However, it is not necessary.